Mariangela Giordano

Burial Ground 5.6

Burial Ground

1981 1h 25m Movie
Burial Ground
5.6 1981 1h 25m FHD
Professor Ayres discovers a secret in an ancient stone and when he opens a crypt, he revives zombies that kill him. He had invited three couples to visit him in his manor to reveal his ...
Genre: Horror
Giallo in Venice 5.2

Giallo in Venice

1979 1h 31m Movie
Giallo in Venice
5.2 1979 1h 31m FHD
Venice: The bodies of a married couple, Flavia and Fabio, are discovered on the dockside. She has drowned and he has been stabbed to death with a large pair of scissors. Marzia, ...
Genre: Crime, Horror